So apparently, hell has frozen over, and the good ole' Rockheads somehow made it to the pinnacle of baseball-dom, or at least are so incredibly near to it. This is tremendously exciting news for someone who remembers going to their first few games back in 1993, and who has cheered them on for at least one home game every season since. Humor me for a second and let me just brag a little about our victory after so many years of mediocrity: the NYTimes informs me that this is only the second time that a team has ever won every game in the post season, the first being in 1976 with the Cincinnati Reds. (And yes, as memorable as that event was, I feel quite certain that this time it really is a victory for the ages, and will be remembered for generations to come. Seriously.) Admittedly, I'm no expert in the field of baseball statistics (pun intended), but this sounds like a sort of big deal to me. I mean, come on -- we just won 21 of our last 22 games!! I wish I were in Denver to join in the festivities... and by "festivities" I really mean drunken people rioting downtown.
I spent a while trying to come up with a clever title for this entry commemorating my dear Rockies' clean sweep of the playoffs, but very quickly realized that any/all would be too corny to dare post with any seriousness. However, our team's name just lends itself to such glorious puns that I just had to compile a short list of the favorites:
- ROCKtober (Var: ROCKtoberfest)
- ROCKstars
- We will, we will ROCK you
- Time to ROCK and roll
- This city's off its ROCKer
There, I warned you. Not clever.
Most of all, I'm just proud that we, a "nobody team/state," is in the spotlight. As the Times puts it, "Perhaps now fans outside of their region will get to know them." Damn straight.
Hey man--what about the Broncos--who were uber successful for awhile, and the Avs--which were perennial cup contenders in the 90s!
Anyway, it IS a big deal, and congratulations! Be happy that you're not a Seattle sports fan, 'cause we suck in EVERY aspect!
Four more wins...
go red sox.
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