I think I win for obvious statement of the week.
Annoying Attorney A*** is a man who is known by all the paralegals at the firm as the guy you don't want to get stuck working with. He's a little out-of-control with his OCD ("Did you double-check it? Would you check it again? I'm going to re-check that with you one more time."), and has a knack for making unreasonable demands. On one memorable occasion, he told me that my photocopying skills were sub-par because, and I quote, "the black ink isn't black enough."
However, I put up with him fairly well, if only to catalogue all his idiosyncrasies and laugh at them later, so naturally, this means that he has taken a liking to me and frequently asks me to do his bidding. Recently, though, he's made a few comments to me that I am at a complete loss to know what to do with, given their suggestive and borderline inappropriate nature. Keep in mind that we're talking about a very, VERY awkward guy, who I keep telling myself is only trying to be friendly and is inadvertently falling on the wrong side of that delicate line of what is/is not OK to tell to someone who works under you. (Maybe I'm just in denial because I don't really want to consider the implications of what it would actually entail for me if I did eventually decide that he crossed that boundary, but he's a competent attorney -- he's got to know better than to hit on me, right? Right? OK, let's really not think about that. I'll cross that bridge if it ever comes down to it, but I don't really honestly see that happening. God, I hope not.)
He remarked to me about a week ago about how my outfit looked "really good on me," which I wrote off as a compliment that went awry. Yesterday, however, he upped the ante a bit and brought creepy to a new level. I was in his office looking through pictures of the jail (which on a completely unrelated note is much less scary-looking than I had imagined), and when we got to the photos of the shower area, he busted out with this:
"Krystyna, how would you like to take a shower there? You know, with all those guys in the cellblock watching? I guess you'd have that little curtain there, but that doesn't do much. Or you could just take a bath."
I ask you all: HOW THE HELL DOES ONE RESPOND TO THAT?? Answer: By mustering a face that (hopefully) appropriately expressed my utter shock at having my superior insinuate that I would be naked in a shower... with people watching... in a jail context... It was awkward to an extreme. So yeah. Ack. I doubt this will evolve into anything other than an unfortunate pattern of semi-questionable remarks, but should it turn into anything lewder, rest assured that I will deal with it. I am, after all, surrounded by hundreds of high-profile attorneys who would no doubt jump on the chance for a juicy sexual harassment pro bono assignment. That is one bizarre perk of working at a corporate law firm where a tarnished image could turn into a huge liability.