I realize I've been ignoring this blog lately. Not that things haven't been happening in my life. On the contrary, life has been complicated, in both good and bad ways. I'm not really sure what to write about it all just yet, and I don't have the sense that anything can be summed up in one nice, clean anecdote (but it's always so nice when that works out), so I'm going to ignore the blog for just a little while more until something truly post-worthy comes along. (Never fear, the Wamboldts together around the holidays is sure to produce at least one memorable story...)
Until the next/more detailed/more thoughtful/funnier/all-around-better post, I'll leave you with this:
Krys, I hope you're doing well. That picture made me crack up.
Great... so the few of us who are dedicated readers are out in the cold, eh? LOL Hope you had a great T-day and uneventful travel!
while krys is being all wishy washy you should read my blog instead. its super way better anyway.
alright, that's it: you're being relegated from the "blogs" bookmark folder to the "irregularly updated blogs" bookmark folder, which I check less often. So THERE!
see you around christmastime?
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