
Another Year Wiser?

I celebrated my 23rd birthday this week, and for maybe the first time in my life, didn't think twice about it. Usually, I recall meaningful events of the previous year, freak myself out a little thinking about how old/unaccomplished I am, then get a jump on writing New Year's Resolutions to commit to for my ongoing process of self-betterment. This year, I made french toast for the family, read for a couple of hours, went to see a mediocre play, and avoided eating chocolate for fear of further aggravating a cold sore that's already the size of Louisiana.

What a truly exciting life I lead.

My own mother actually made fun of me for being such a homebody, but I'm at peace with that fact. I've given up on the possibility of ever celebrating my birthday with friends. In late December, people are usually out of town, skiing, or with their own families, and being quite family-oriented myself, I'm OK with that. Last year, after realizing that my 21st had involved me flying 30 hours, having one glass of wine, and then passing out on my couch completely jet-lagged, I was determined to do the "traditional" party thing for the big 2-2. I roped about 20 friends into committing to a night of bar-hopping, and then watched helplessly as a blizzard rolled in that morning, trapping me in the house for three days with my family. So much for a wild party.

It seems quite clear to me that God does not wish for me to celebrate the day of my birth in any way other than at home, sober and in my pajamas. S'cool. Who needs big parties when you have, uh, nifty-ass hobbies like knitting and fiddling to prove how cool you are? Damn straight.

Anyway, thanks for all of you who wished me a happy birthday. It means a lot to hear from all the wonderful people I know, whether I met you a few weeks ago or have known you since middle school, whether you live near me in DC or are spread to the far-flung corners of the globe. I'm continually impressed by the caliber of thoughtfulness and intelligence you all possess, and by the amazing things you are all doing with your youthful energies. Big hugs to all!! (**Awwwwwww**)

Whatever, it's my birthday. I can be sappy if I want to.

1 comment:

day said...

we got a toughie to celebrate, eh? LOL I didnt get to have a b-day with friends until last year, when it was a small event at a highway bar near the ski area I was patrolling at. This year, however, worked out nicely (and I toasted you also, fyi).

Congrats again, Krys! We Saggitarians have to stick together! ;)