
How Much Do You Wish You Were in Brazil?

So I stumbled across this video which has left me alternately giggling quite loudly and scratching my head.

Apparently there is a dance trend spreading like wildfire across Brazil called the funk da cueca. Somehow this became immortalized via YouTube as a coordinated boy band-style routine by some teens with clearly too much time on their hands. 

I simply cannot imagine how this came about: were all these fourteen year olds just sitting around, thinking, "Hey, wouldn't it be a great idea if we all danced around in unison? In our skivvies?? What if we filmed it!!" This has me thinking about cultural differences between our prudish Northern customs and those sultry Brazilian ways. Surely no band of (presumably heterosexual?) teenage boys in America would participate in this, but I'd say the world might just be a better place because of the borderline gratuity of this video. Plus, I like the song (despite myself). 

Hilarious and catchy -- my fav!! I've watched this twice, though, and I think that's absolutely plenty... I'll just pass the fun along to you all. 


laura said...

i can see their penis outlines.

Krystyna said...

yeah, it's pretty disturbing. i have the sinking feeling that posting this video will come back to haunt me someday...

sam said...

i'm sure if you looked around enough on the internet, you could find american boys doing the Soulja Boy dance in their underwear or something... the internet (not the mention the 'prudish North') is a pretty big place