
Done and DONE!!

LSAT = out of my life. Booyeah.

I am slightly overwhelmed at the prospect of having more free time than I know what to do with, now that the 1.5 months of studying are behind me. Finally I can rid myself of the guilt complex that I had every time I would go to happy hour, thinking "damn, I should be reviewing right now...".

I think I shall fill the time drinking heavily. And riding the sweet new bike. And perhaps just sitting on my butt. Doing crossword puzzles.
I realized when I was back home in Denver that living in DC seems to bring out the Type-A side of my personality. Ick. While that was all well and good for making me very diligent about studying, I think my summer goal is to totally decompress and get back to the pattern of SoCal slackerdom I cultivated to perfection at Pomona.


Totally Irrelevant Interlude.

It's a slow work day. Ever since college, time spent on Facebook seems to be inversely correlated with time spent doing meaningful things. Naturally, I've spent longer than I should have this morning pining for more people to change their profiles. Tis a sad state of affairs when I'm trapped in a windowless office with no means of occupying my brain except for doing LSAT problems (which, at this point, cause my gag reflex to immediately kick in...).

I guess I have no real reason to post these, other than they amuse me, and therefore will amuse you. There's no agenda to the post, I have nothing insightful to say about online social networking, and I don't have a corresponding funny anecdote to relate.

Enjoy the distraction!


Two Weeks and Counting!!

I was doing some LSAT prep last night, and stumbled across this review question:

"Which one of the following persons might not be spoken of favorably on the LSAT?

A. An Eskimo priest
B. A Mexican sculptor
C. a female activist
D. a white Protestant businessman
E. an African environmentalist"

No, I didn't make that up, and no, I don't think it's a joke. Not that it isn't true -- the LSAT is notorious for its self-conscious efforts to be PC -- but come on. Seriously?! If you don't have the common sense to figure that one out without a practice question, then you don't deserve to be a lawyer in the first place. Just my two cents.

Speaking of the LSAT, it is two weeks away from today. That is both terrifying and amazingly exciting. Either way, precisely fourteen days from this EXACT MOMENT, I will be recovering from the four hours of testing by going to the Indigo Girls concert in the Denver Botanic Gardens. I can imagine it now... drinking a bottle of wine single-handedly, staring at the expansive Western sky, and forgetting that I ever learned what a contrapositive was. Ah, now that's the life.

Two more weeks and counting... 

(As yes, I do realize that being uber-pumped for the IG concert makes me a 15-year old lesbian. At least I won't get made fun of on the LSAT!!)